A online self-study course to educate participants about caddying and course management; to give a golfer a better understanding of the game through the eyes of a caddie and to educate you on how the game was designed to be played.
Education and Certification For Everyone!
Want to improve your caddie program contact us. The TCA will work with you and your organization to get it done! Full line of Education, Training and Certification for your Caddies and Staff along with Benefits for Independent Contractors in Golf.
The First Part is Apprenticeship the self- study program which includes the following:
- History and Perspective of the Game - Introduction to Caddying - Team Work - Fore caddying - Responsibilities on the Course - Yardage book, Pin Sheets and Signals - Working with Carts and Managing Pace of Play - Course Management & Maintenance - Rules of Golf - Golf Terms - Health and Nutrition
The Second Part is Certification:
After completing the self study program, you will be able to practice what you have learned by completing 25 Loops or if you feel proficient enough have your PGA Professional write us letter of recommendation, pass the exam and write a short paper.
Upon passing the Caddie Education and Training program you will receive a Certificate and link to post your availability on Tour Caddie Resources and receive a certificate stating you are a PCA Worldwide Inc. Certified Caddie! Caddy On! Want the Basics this is the Place to Come!
Thinking about having becoming a caddie or just want to learn more about course management. Become a " FRIEND OF PCA " for $25 and receive the Basics of Caddying FREE your contribution will go a long way to support caddies worldwide. http://www.pcahq.com